July 4th abroad

I don't have any suitable pictures of flags and fireworks--just a glimpse of peace.  Yesterday was July 4.  Frank asked me if I miss being in America for this holiday and I have to says I do not.  I do not miss the America of 2008.  I miss the America that was "Declared" on that day in 1776 and the one which was "Constituted" some years later.  We've traded  the Tyranny of a distant monarchy for the Tyranny of the Corporate Giants.  We're told and now believe (particularly since 9/11) that the highest act of Patriotism is to go out and buy.   I hope that in showing up at a local hotel  in Ireland to meet up with a handful of other American's to collect our forms as absentee voters, we are demonstrating a degree of genuine Patriotism.  This is my prayer for my country today--that we all vote with our consciences--not our fear of scarcity in a land of plenty.   It's up to us to steward the resources we have and stop colonizing  other countries who have "what we're too wasteful to conserve".   God Bless America.


Anonymous said…
One of my common rants (I am my father's daughter, after all) is about how I feel that all of the symbols that represent "patriotism" in this country have been co-opted by people who stand for everything that I oppose.  I hate what an ugly word patriotism has become among people whose beliefs I share.

Anonymous said…
Also -- you will laugh --my roommate has friends visiting from Virginia this weekend, who decided it would be a grand idea to DRIVE to the Esplanade yesterday.  I don't even understand what that *means* and it still makes me laugh and break out in hives and hyperventilate.

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