Samhuin -- Ancestor's Day
For Frank and me, today, tomorrow and Sunday are days of honoring and remembering those who came before us--especially our more immediate family members who've died. We set aside this time to hike up Glencar Mountain which overlooks Glencar Loch . Frank, his father and brothers used to cut the winter's worth of turf up there each year. His mum and sister kept tea and griddle bread simmering over an open fire near the stream bed, while they worked away, cutting, stacking, footing and loading the carts and creels. The climb itself is a steep ascent up the glen which is thickly forested with pine, beech, ash, Oak, birch and fir creating a rich mossy forest floor; but, at the top, it's all heather and wild sheep. I love this celebration because it's drawn from the ancient Celtic belief that at this time, the veil between the two worlds is so thin that for this brief time we can be close, again, to one another. It was the original New Years--marking the end of the agricultural year and the beginning of winter which emerged with the solstice with the return of the light. So, to all our family and friends here's to your ancestors and ours! Happy New Year!
About the pumpkin photo...My best friend, Heather, taught me to score the pumpkin with a nail whilst it's still growing and it forms a raised scar in whatever design you make--Hence "The Ancestors" I loved the idea of planting the seed, watching the vines slowly overtake the garden, scoring , harvesting and baking this pumpkin into a cake--from beginning to end and onwards...
Here's a recipe for our Traditional Ancestor's cake
1 cup Uchiki Kuri Pumpkin (after halving and baking until tender)
1 Cup Corn Meal (Medium grit Maize)
1 Cup whole meal spelt
1/2 Cup canola Oil
1 Cup vanilla rice Milk
1 cup Organic Evaporated Cane Juice or Dark Brown Muscavado
1/2 cup Raisins or Currants
2 Teaspoons Baking Soda
2 Eggs (optional)
1/2 teaspoon Ginger
1 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
Mix together in a bowl, pour into oiled Lazagna size pan (for thinner one layer) or any kind of cake pan; but adjust baking time accordingly.
fold in one old fashioned Irish coin with Stag or Salmon on it (or anything else that reminds you of your ancestors)
Bake at 350 F or 190C for 1/2 hour to 45 minutes.
Frosting: Optional
One container Toffutti cream cheese combined with 1/4 cup Confectioners sugar mixed and spread over the top!
Serve with hot or chilled apple cider!