One Question leads to another???

Well, I donned those wellies back in early July and they have taken me to some wondrous and luminous places and each adventure has, of course, led to more questions.   I have even called the word "question" into question... !!! 

I thought it would be interesting to see what Webster's says...


 noun \ˈkwes-chən, ˈkwesh-\

Definition of QUESTION

(1) : an interrogative expression often used to test knowledge (2) : an interrogative sentence or clauseb : a subject or aspect in dispute or open for discussion :issuebroadly : problemmatter(1) : a subject or point of debate or a proposition to be voted on in a meeting (2) : the bringing of such to a voted : the specific point at issue
a : an act or instance of asking : inquiryb : interrogationalso : a judicial or official investigationc : torture as part of an examination(1) : objectiondispute question
Wow--suddenly the word "Question" seems so harsh.  No wonder "Curiosity killed the Cat".     

This is Shadow.  He likes to nap beneath Mully in my Poly Tunnel.  Mully is getting dangerously top heavy with candles at this point, so hopefully, Shadow will find a better spot to rest his weary paws.  
So, I decided to look into  the word: Quest


 noun \ˈkwest\

Definition of QUEST

a : a jury of inquestb : investigation
: an act or instance of seeking:a : pursuitsearchb : a chivalrous enterprise in medieval romance usually involving an adventurous journey
obsolete : a person or group of persons who search or make inquiry

So, what I'm gleaning is that I'm on a quest... Perhaps, not a "chivalrous enterprise"; but, definitely an adventurous journey and part of my quest is to learn how to carefully craft my questions.


Roseee said…
I am reminded of my mother's "issues" with Chet Raymo, somehow. I often forget, and when he writes something beautiful and thoughtful about religion, I pass it on to her. Raised Catholic, now a scientist (makes me think a bit of Chava -- raised Spiritualist/Orthodox Jewish, now a scientist. The difference being, Raymo's an Agnostic, Chava a Fundamentalist Atheist [as I like to call it]). Raymo questions everything, and my mother always replies to his blog posts with, "The man just needs to come to terms with the fact that he's really an Episcopalian."
Wildiviner said…
Hahahaha... I'll have to pass that on to my brother, the Episcopal Priest! xo

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